Julia Ward Howe's Famous Friends

Time would fail me if I should undertake to mention the valued friendships which have gladdened my many years in Boston, or to indicate the social pleasures which have alternated with my more serious pursuits. One or two of these friends I must mention, lest my reminiscences should be found lacking in the good savor of gratitude."

- Julia Ward Howe from Her Reminiscences


Charles Sumner
Dr. C. A. Bartol
Ednah Dow Cheney
Edwin Booth
Frederick Douglass
George Bancroft
Gov. John Andrew
Henry B. Blackwell
Henry Wadsorth Longfellow
Henry Ward Beecher
Horace Mann
Lara Bridgemann
Lucy Stone
Mrs. Frank Hampton (Sally Baxter)
Catherine Beaacher
President Baez


Associations and Clubs

Boston Radical Club
Association for the Advancement of American Women